
Saturday 5 October 2013

Crow skulls !

Hey up !

So these were printed on a replicator. Not by me, by someone at work. I will try it on the cube but don't hold out much hope.

Stupidly I didn't take a picture of the actual prints before they were cleaned up but this is the two skulls in grey primer. The support structures just picked out easily with a little pick whereas the supports on anything I have printed is really tough to get out but I presume this is because I'm printing at .2 and the birds were done at .1 ?

Anyway here are two resin casts of the above  skulls. They came out really well. A colleage is doing them for a fancy dress costume !

 And here are the originals and casts.  I also aged one up which looked pretty cool but again forgot to take a picture. Try to put one up next week

Later's Ya'll !

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