
Saturday 6 December 2014


Holy crap ! So that was a far longer absence than I was expecting !

So........ I sold the Cubify Cube ! Got back the money I paid for it which is nice.

Had a good half an hour chat with the new owner and passed on any advice I could. Which was mainly that your prints will fail now and again and for no fathomable reason.

The idea was to get a new one straight away but kept deliberating ( and going on holiday's ) and so here we are at the end of 2014. But ! I got a new machine, a second hand replicator 2  for pretty much the same price I got the Cube.

I love second hand shit !

So I have had it a couple of day's now and printed the obligatory nut and bolt which I won't bore you with as I'm sure you have all seen them before.

Been playing around with Zbrush this year as I want to start making collectible toys.

I started out my career as a sculptor making premium collectibles but then moved over to propmaking and then Special Effects in films  but always did enjoy the sculpting side.

I just never had the time to do my own stuff or the space but have been looking at the progress of home printing and thought it would be a good ( mess free ) way of getting back in to it.

Any hoo....

Here he is.

And here he is in red wax just because some people prefer him in that colour !

He was done in Zbrush months ago but I had major problems printing him.
I thought it was the printer playing up and every weekend I would have another little play but no matter what the print would always fail just after the feet.

Finally figured out that the internal geometry was still there inside for the individual components and after some help from the guys on the Zbrush forum got around to printing it.

It went from being a 3 hour print that would always fail to a 1 and a half hour print once it was dynameshed.

Which was nice !

I'll post the print and clean up photo's in the next blog !

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