
Tuesday 17 September 2013


Yup ! Three point's if you guessed that was me being Sloth from The Goonies. Well done.

Now I believe I promised that Kermit the frog filament was gone so.........

Tadaaaaaaaahhhhh !

Is that Kermit checking out his reflection ?

So this is the peice that I printed the other day. Shit ! Just seen the green reflection in the top photo. Annoying.

This was just a quick clean up using high build primer ( three coats the other day ) and then a lickle bit of sanding at lunch and after work. I'd say 20 - 30 mins top. Just wanted to get rid of those facet's that print with all of the curved surfaces.

My friend was saying that the facets are the 3d softwares interpretation of a curve using many lines to do this, makes sense I suppose. However almost all of the photo's show these facet's so I wanted rid of them. Also I grabbed an image of the pipboy from wikipedia and , yeah zero facets. Didnt have that image when I threw some paint at it though so once it's all done i'll go back and artwork it using that reference.

It's not too bad really especially as everything is really rushed. This is what i'll artwork it up as eventually. Source - Wikipedia.

Well then the idea of doing this blog everyday has failed after , oooohhhh, less that a week. 

To be fair i'm busy and trying to do too much I think so  i've decided to print one thing per day as long as i'm in the workshop and if I can get one piece art worked a day i'll be happy.

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