
Thursday 19 September 2013

Huzzah !

Well alrighty ! Today has been a good day. Ive got five of the main component's for the pip boy art worked. Three of them ( the back piece ) completely done.

Was only meaning to finish one part after work but got a bit carried away.

The photo's don't really do it justice as it's a horrible yellow workshop light but i'll try to get some done in the daylight and post those as well.

Anyway here are some shot's...

 Figured it's should look a bit bashed about seeing as the vault hunters had a bit of a fucking hard life !

Below is the backside in it's three separate printed components.

This is two of the front pieces at a metal finish stage. Still have colour and ware to add.

Fuck it ! Kermit's back !

Try to get the final piece of the main body done tomorrow but think I got a busy day coming up ( although there alway's fucking busy aren't they ?

Stay lucky San Diego !

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