
Thursday 12 September 2013

Now were cooking.

Alrighty. Today has been a good day. Iv'e been trying to get to grips with the Cube during teabreaks and lunch breaks and i'll be honest with you, how it hasn't ended up in a million peices is a miracle.

Managed to get it printing after lunch and 3hrs in to a 4&1/2 hour print it failed with a blocked nozzle.
Ce la vie. Up until that point it was looking pretty sweet. Going to slice the model in rhino and print the remainder and glue the two pieces together rather than reprint the whole thing.

Any how here are a few pic's of today's failure/triumph. Think I might start printing with a support structure in it to see if that helps any.

Impressed with the holes in it !

And here we have a little high build primer on just so I can have a little clean up tomorrow seeing as the cube will be running faultlessly and i'll have my breaks back. Cos it is going to be running faultlessly from now on right ?

And this is what i'm printing at the moment. Pweeeeeeeease don't fail. Pwetty pwease !

Laters Tater's.

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